2018년 4월 12일 목요일

(강의내용 아님) isNaN, isInfinite

static double NaN
A constant holding a Not-a-Number (NaN) value of type double.
Returns true if this Double value is a Not-a-Number (NaN)

Returns true if this Double value is a Not-a-Number (NaN), false otherwise.

A constant holding the negative infinity of type double.

A constant holding the positive infinity of type double.
The isInfinite() method of Float class
if this Float object is infinite floating point

Returns true if this Float value is infinitely large in magnitude, false otherwise.
*NaN은 Double타입 검증
* 숫자가 아님

* isInfinite는 Float타입 검증
* 숫자이지만 무한대
참고사이트: http://killsia.tistory.com/entry/자바-NaN-Infinity

The only difference is this:

!isNan(1/0) // --> true
isFinite(1/0) // --> false
isNaN checks whether the argument is a number or not. The Infinities (+/-) are also numerical, thus they pass the isNaN check, but don't pass the isFinite check.

** Note that any string which can be parsed as a number ("2", "3.14") will cause isNaN to return false.

Hope this helps.

PS: The answer given by user1170379 was very nearly perfect.



r = n mod x means that

1. 0≤r 2. for some a, n=xa+r

when x=0, the first condition cannot be satisfied


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