2018년 3월 30일 금요일

(3. 30.) JVM and JAVA Garbage Collection

1. Sample


2. Java Virtual Machine
  - an abstract computing machine
  - a program that looks like a machine 
  - knows only of a particular binary format, the class file format.

3. Understanding Java Garbage Collection
   1)  Definition: the process of looking at heap memory, identifying which objects are in use and which are not, and deleting the unused objects.
   2)  in use object / a referenced object:  some part of your program still maintains a pointer to that object
   3) unused object/unreferenced object: no longer referenced by any part of your program

4. JVM Generations
  1) Young Generation: eden+survivor space
   - where all new objects are allocated and aged
   - minor GC
  2) Old Generation: Tenured
   - is used to store long surviving object
   - major GC
  3) Permanent Generation
   -  contains metadata required by the JVM to describe the classes and methods used in the application
   - Java SE library classes and methods may be stored here.
   - full GC

5. The Garbage Colletion Process
   1) allocated to the eden space with any new Objects, S0/S1 start out empty
   2) when the eden space fills up, a minor gc is triggered
   3) Referenced objects are moved to the first survivor space. Unreferenced objects are deleted when the eden space is cleared.
   4) we now have differently aged object in the survivor space.
   5)  the same thing happens for the eden space
   6) After a minor GC, when aged objects reach a certain age threshold (8 in this example) they are promoted from young generation to old generation.
   7) As minor GCs continue to occur objects will continue to be promoted to the old generation space
* 6), 7): promotion
   8) Eventually, a major GC will be performed on the old generation which cleans up and compacts that space.

2018년 3월 29일 목요일

(3. 29.) JAVA-Based Web Services

1. Structures of Web Services
○ About SOAP, REST
1) Establishing communication between the application and a platform—that’s a basic principle of web services. And there are hundreds of thousands of applications built in different languages to run on varied platforms.

2) These web services are bifurcated into two, namely: SOAP and REST.

3) Choosing either REST or SOAP wholly depends on your work requisites.

2. JAVA Enterprise Application Tiers

Tier 1: Client Tier
Tier 2: Presentation Tier
Tier 3: Business Tier
Tier 4: Resource Tier
Tier 5: Integration Tier

2018. 3. 29.

2018년 3월 28일 수요일

(3. 28.) Features of JAVA

JAVA의 특징
   1. Platform-independency
   2. Object-Oriented
   3. Garbage Collection
   4. Multi-Thread 지원

○ JAVA와 Platform

2018. 3. 28.

2018년 3월 27일 화요일

(3. 27.) The Computing Paradigm Shift and Java Tech Development

1. Computing Paradigm의 변천과 java 기술의 발전
  1) 프로그램 기법 측면
    ○ 키워드: 개발자 편의성, 재사용
  2) 프로그램 구조적 측면
    ○ 키워드: Web site, Web server, DBMS, Terminal, C-S, Web

2018. 3. 27.

라이프매니지먼트 AI 프로젝트 개발과정

라이프매니지먼트 AI 프로젝트 개발과정
○ 모집기간: ~2018. 4. 3.(화)
○ 교육기간:  4. 5.(목)~11. 30.(금)
○ 신청사이트 : 온오프믹스 - https://onoffmix.com/event/132297
○ 자세한 내용: 페이스북 참조

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